

After almost 2 years of hiatus in exhibitions, we are back to business as normal which means Exhibitions, Conferences, Open House and other promotional events.  INBRUSH’2022 was especially a moment of joy on meeting several of our BORGHI Customers under one roof.  We would like to thank all of them for taking their time out to visit us and be part of our happy family.  The photographs of the event have been put up on our website in the Photo Gallery and you can visit the same and download these photographs as a memoir.  In case you have difficulty in downloading your photographs please do let us know and we will have been happy to send a print of the same duly framed. 

At INBRUSH’2022 we have showcased our new STAR DELTA Tufting Machine continuously producing Double Hockey at a speed of 6 brush per minute during the Exhibition.

We are happy to inform you that the same was sold to MAHILA VIKAS ASSOCIATION and we are delighted to add them to our BORGHI Family.